function randcol() {
var col = ''; // hexadecimal starting symbol
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split(''); //hexadecimal color letters
//For loop that will create random hexadecimal value.
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
col += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
return col
var namee = { list: ['?????', '#$ $#', "-_- \\'\\'", 'm', 'BLOWDEATH', '\xac', '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||', '())()))()() )()()()))(', '..theodore..please help me i am trapped inside of a name please i just wanna see my friends again.......smith....', '1 = 2', '#coolname #namingthingsisfun #iamconscious #deservename', 'lol', '%_%', 'cbtftifhbl', '><><>:><><:><><', 'TTTTTTTT dos santos junior', 'KNNNNN LOOOK HER,E. LOOK. HERE. FUCKJ YAH...', '| \\" | All Of The Monsters Like To PLLLLAAAAAYYYYYYYYY | \\" |', 'J.J. J. J. J. J.', 'Kaitlyn. But. Not like KAITLYN. Just KAItlyn.', 'jhu uhj', 'ioopoi & i', 'uo ioyp o i uopiuop i ioui RRRRRR', ')_-_-_-', 'doooooooo @', '\xe7', 'ctrl + someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuiiiiiiiiii', '', 'JUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHN', 'NOTHING', 'sum than more than the more than sum the than more more more', 'unpro nunpro clash', '100%', 'scapefromthecolossus', 'rewritten', 'FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH', 'RestraiN', "not any more no it isn\\'t", 'Catherine &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&', '*', 'To Name Something Is To Kill It', 'Marmalade', 'Patricia 101', 'Larissa, Larissa, Larissa.', 'besides,', 'c c c c ? . AR.', 'oooo', '45 54 57 8888888888888888', '2@ p Pm Cm For um OFOUR FOUMORE MOU', 'NOT. Any MORE. 9 9 9',"Jerry Portner", "Kaitlyn Fielder", "Dayanne Arantes", "Caroline Ramos Araujo", "Tiffany Bongestab", "Helena Panin Tristão", "Juan Pablo Fernández de Calderón García-Iglesias", "Tupã", "José María Álvarez del Manzano", "Anna Valtýsdóttir", "Siv Sigurðardóttir", "Емануіл Йонович Квірінг", "Владимир Ленин", "Martin Dürer", "محمد بن سلمان بن امین الفارسی", "孝文皇帝", " محمد بن عبد الوهاب", "박혁거세 거서간", "二条 道平", "岩田 聡", "채원 采原 ", "Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana Senapati ing Alaga Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panatagama Johnny!","Gülizar Şatıroğlu", " علاکبر دهخدا", "察合台", "جغتای", "Цагадай", "Болормаа", "Энхтуяа", "Áнна Анасенко", "Юлия Блюм", '<i>Ochotona savignyi</i>', '<i>Pongo anubis</i>', '<i>Tursiopygia caballus</i>', '<i>Notamacrofa map</i>', '<i>Maca fascus aris</i>', '<i>Ornithorhynchus cerea</i>', '<i>Latimerium sinensis</i>', '<i>Echinops telanoli</i>', '<i>Dasypus glaber</i>', '<i>Heter macrotus</i>', '<i>Bos truncatus</i>', '<i>Tursiopygia belii</i>', '<i>Cavia aperevisii</i>', '<i>Anas pacos</i>', '<i>Otolemur gallus</i>', '<i>Gadus spretus</i>', '<i>Equus oculus</i>', '<i>Chlorocebus galis</i>', '<i>Nomascus ordii</i>', '<i>Tupaia belii</i>', '<i>Gadus sabaeus</i>', '<i>Tursiops tropaeus</i>', '<i>Mus griseus vampyrus</i>', '<i>Erinchotona intes</i>', '<i>Mus morhua</i>', '<i>Bos tauratus</i>', '<i>Gorilla apensis</i>', '<i>Ciona prinus</i>', '<i>Pteromyces caroli</i>', '<i>Chinopus griseus</i>', '<i>Fukomyzon nigeri</i>', '<i>Mus cerevis galili</i>', '<i>Oryzias platus</i>' ], name: "namee" }
var birth = { list: ['i am the natural byproduct of !event!', 'i was made as an act of !emotion!', 'i was put together piece by piece by !elemental! creatures', 'i was grown in a !elemental! uterus for two years', 'i was programmed by !elemental! monsters in their improvised computers to fight !object2!', 'my parents were !object2! and they gave birth to me together', '!event! made a group of !object2! realize !lessons! and decide to create me', 'i was carefully egineered by evolution to solve the !elemental! problems of !object2!', 'i hatched from a !elemental! egg', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to be born', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to not be born and was denied it', 'my origin is unknown', 'my origin is impossible to be known', 'i was crafted by a lonely genious to keep her company', 'i was always there', 'i pop in and out of existence at random', 'i was a software bug that never got fixed', 'i crawled my way out of the cave of non existence', 'i was dreamed up by sarah when she was like super high lol', 'i was proven by a mathematician to exist', 'i fucked my way into existence', 'i joked my way into existence'], name: "birth" }
var body = { list: ['my most vital body organ is !object1!', 'i have tentacles made of !emotion!', 'i keep my !elemental! heart hidden deep inside of a cave in a jupiter moon', 'i harness my energy from !event!', 'i am composed of a complex system of !object2! working together to solve an enormous otimization problem', 'my reproductive system is triggered into action by !event!', 'i can only feed on !object2!', 'i am made from antimatter', 'i am made from anti-antimatter', 'i am made from light-to-medium-dark matter', 'i have A MILLION legs, seriously, no joke', 'i am a cloud of gas', 'i am exactly 9 particles scattered across the milky way', "i am electromagnetic phenomena not explained by maxwell's equations", "i am constantly mutating my physical form to match whatever is on avey tare's mind at any given time", 'i am made from death'], name: "body" }
var char = { list: ['i never understood !emotion!', 'i only watch TV shows about !event!', 'i was made president and made !event! a forbidden act', 'i only experience genuine !emotion! when witnessing !event!', 'i spent my entire life searching for the purest instance of !emotion!', 'i wrote a book about !object2! and their relationship with !object2!', "i'm an expert in the science of !object2!", 'the first time i laughed was when i saw !event!', '!event! will cause my death', '!object2! are my kryptonite', 'the most important lesson i learned in my life was that !lessons!', 'witnessing !event! was what made me realize that !lessons!', '!object2! used to terrify me before i realized !lessons!', 'i keep !object1! inside of a tiny little box to remind me everyday that !lessons!', 'i have a recurrent dream where !object2! hunt me while !object2! whisper secrets of the universe to me', '!elemental! !emotion! is the only thing i can feel', 'i control a couple of !elemental! universes', 'i think EXACTLY like !object2!', 'i like to make squids listen to my music', 'i reached transcendence listening to the dead play dark star on woodstock', "i can't recognize myself in the mirror", 'i reached transcendence once but i forgot about it a few days later', 'i never got over the trauma of having my umbilical cord cut', 'i experience time in the opposite direction', 'i figured out the true substance of substance once in a dream once but forgot when i woke up', "i control the flow of a few quantum observables but i'm only, like, 5th or 4th down The Hierarchy so it's no big deal", 'i own a restaurant that serves the primordial soup', 'i like getting really high and playing the drums', 'i interact with matter only through dreams', "i don't remember why my neighbor stopped talking to me", 'i like jumping a lot', 'i like listening to alien radio signals before bed', 'i live in a star-orbiting satellite', "i have no idea what's going on", "i don't do anything, ever", 'i live in a constant existencial crisis'], name: "char" }
var elemental = { list: ['water', 'fire', 'snow', 'earth', 'air', 'slime', 'metal', 'silk', 'soda', 'candy', 'shadow', 'postmodern', 'punk', 'cyberpunk', 'manic pixie dream', 'psychodelic', 'planet-sized', 'atom-sized', 'planck-size', 'alien', 'dead', 'quantum', 'post-conscious', 'rainbow-colored', 'space', 'synthetic', 'mechanical', 'electromagnetic', 'corporate', 'post hip hop', 'sea', 'sky', 'alien', 'chemical', 'physical', 'mathematical', 'cute', 'platinum', 'neon', 'infinite'], name: "elemental" }
var emotion = { list: ['love', 'hate', 'friendship', 'boredom', 'lust', 'desire', 'hope', 'sadness', 'understanding', 'wonder', 'pain', 'disappointment', 'excitement', 'shame', 'anger', 'adoration', 'affection', 'agitation', 'agony', 'alarm', 'alienation', 'amazement', 'amusement', 'anger', 'anguish', 'annoyance', 'anxiety', 'apprehension', 'astonishment', 'awe', 'bliss', 'calmness', 'compassion', 'contempt', 'courage', 'delight', 'despair', 'disgust', 'dismay', 'distress', 'doubt', 'dread', 'eagerness', 'ecstasy', 'embarrassment', 'empathy', 'envy', 'euphoria', 'excitement', 'existencial fear', 'fear', 'ferocity', 'fondness', 'fright', 'frustration', 'fury', 'glee', 'gloom', 'grief', 'guilt', 'helplessness', 'homesickness', 'horror', 'humiliation', 'humility', 'hysteria', 'insecurity', 'isolation', 'jealousy', 'joy', 'loathing', 'loneliness', 'longing', 'melancholy', 'misery', 'optimism', 'outrage', 'panic', 'passion', 'pity', 'pleasure', 'powerlessness', 'pride', 'rage', 'regret', 'rejection', 'relief', 'remorse', 'resentment', 'serenity', 'shock', 'suffering', 'surprise', 'sympathy', 'tenderness', 'tension', 'terror', 'trust'], name: "emotion" }
var event = { list: ['insects making love', 'galaxies merging together', 'a pop star transcending their physical form', 'a mac demarco album being released', 'flowers being polinized', 'non-accelerating frames of reference being accelerated', 'the collapsing of a wavefunction', 'a true hero being born', "a mother's love being expressed in its purest form", 'someone losing their innocence', 'puppies being cute', 'an investigation being started', 'a molecule realizing a creative act', 'a complex system reaching self awareness', 'a wave being diffracted', 'two beings sharing a moment of genuine intimacy', 'an important memory being forgotten', 'a security system being breached', 'a god being born', 'physical reality being manipulated', 'a human being reaching transcendence', 'the unthinkable being thought', 'a solar system having an orgasm', 'a civilization undergoing first contact', 'a dream being forgotten'], name: "event" }
var lessons = { list: ['everything looks like everything else', 'love is the compass of the universe', 'there is no such thing as things', 'nothing matters', 'meaning is meaningless', 'truth is a lie', 'existence is pain', 'true happiness comes from within', "true happiness doesn't exist"], name: "lessons" }
var object1 = { list: ['a destroyed guitar', 'a brilliant piece of music that never got heard', 'a truly meaningful conversation', 'a long forgotten truth', 'a distant memory', 'a natural disaster', 'a pretty dress', 'an elementary particle', 'a damsel in distress'], name: "object1" }
var object2 = { list: ['!elemental! !single!', '!elemental! !elemental! !single!'], name: "object2" }
var single = { list: ['girls', 'boys', 'bacteria', 'cows', 'signals', 'plants', 'fungi', 'computers', 'mermaids', 'synthesizers', 'whales', 'monsters', 'weirdos', 'scientists', 'giraffes', 'wings', 'guitars', 'particles', 'squids', 'tentacles', 'eggs', 'geometries', 'wormholes', 'systems', 'phenomena', 'snowflakes', 'witches', 'princesses', 'sharks', 'roses', 'angels', 'demons', 'gods', 'equations', 'theorems', 'crocodiles', 'aliens', 'molecules', 'strawberries', 'fishes', 'satellites', 'legs', 'hearts', 'hackers', 'transformations', 'crystals', 'babies', 'infinities'], name: "single" }
var sounddescript = { list: ['the sound i make whenever i see !event!', 'the sound i make when i feel !emotion!', 'a sound that makes me feel !emotion!', 'the sound my body makes as i move', 'the sound my eyes make when i wink', 'the sound of my steps', 'the sound i make when i pee', "here's me crying", 'the sound of me and another member of my species kissing', 'the sound of my bones breaking', 'the sound i will make when i die', 'the sound of my digestive system working', 'the sound of cancer growing in my body', 'the sound of my blood running through my veins', 'me farting', 'the sound my first pet made whenever i got home', 'my voice', 'the voice of my mother', 'the sound i hear in my recurrent dream', 'the sound my heart makes when it is beating', 'the first sound i ever heard', 'the last sound i ever heard', 'the sound i make when i orgasm', 'the sound i make when i eat', 'the sound that wakes me up at night', 'the sound i constantly hear in my head'], name: "sounddescript" }
var zoomdescript = { list: ['the only thing capable of getting me to experience !emotion!', 'a thing that makes me feel !emotion!', 'the neural structure of my central processing unit', 'the thing i love the most', 'something i saw in a !elemental! dream once', 'the house i grew up in', 'my childhood toy', 'my first pet', 'my most important body organ', 'my favorite food', 'the thing i have been searching my whole life', 'my most prized possession', 'the thing that most terrifies me', 'the thing that changed my life', 'the body of a person i used to love'], name: "zoomdescript" }
var zoom = { list: ['<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-29-06.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-45-19.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-56-32.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-59-30.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-05-59.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-17-01.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-36-20.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-51-06.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-04-40.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-04-53.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-10-47.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 17-25-32.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 17-55-46.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 18-00-42.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 18-46-39.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 19-09-49.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Wed Sep 13 00-51-51.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_03_23_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_18_30_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_36_47_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_38_07_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_40_15_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_44_35_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_54_47_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_14_02_09_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_29_41_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_49_40_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_51_31_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_59_30_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_03_55_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_06_03_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_07_16_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_25_40_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_48_52_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_18_54_08_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_22_38_36_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_14_25_17_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_16_37_00_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_16_43_44_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_31_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_42_24_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_50_46_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_23_07_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_29_52_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_35_57_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_14_29_37_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_14_29_58_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_23_46_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_23_50_20_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_11_52_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_11_56_27_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_12_03_22_Pro.jpg">'], name: "zoom" }
var sound = { list: ['<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//aliendolphins.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//ambientfrog.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//brainscan.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//breathing.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//chimes.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//cicada.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//crying.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//dimexp.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//drillbrain.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//drumloop.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//filter.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//footsteps.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//frog.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//gasp.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//glass.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high2.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high3.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//modem.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//murmur.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//parrot.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//river.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//train.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//water1.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//water2.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//waterbottle.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//weirdodrum.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//wind.wav" controls>'], name: "sound" }
var thebigl = [emotion,elemental, namee, sound, sounddescript, zoom, zoomdescript, birth, char, lessons, body, event, object1, object2, single];
function randomize(string) {
for (var i=0; i < thebigl.length; i++) {
if (thebigl[i].name == string) {
var rand = thebigl[i].list[Math.floor(Math.random() * thebigl[i].list.length)];
return rand
function transform(phrase) {
for (var i=0; i < phrase.length; i++) {
if (phrase[i] == "!") {
var thingy = "";
var j = i;
while(phrase[j] != "!") {
thingy += phrase[j];
return phrase.slice(0,i).concat(randomize(thingy).split(""),phrase.slice(j+1));
function fulltransform(phrase) {
var aphrase = phrase.split("")
while ( aphrase.indexOf("!") > -1 ) {
aphrase = transform(aphrase);
var a = aphrase.join("");
return a;
window.being = {}
being.name = randomize("namee");
being.color = randcol();
being.sounddescript = fulltransform(randomize("sounddescript"));
being.sound = randomize("sound");
being.zoomdescript = fulltransform(randomize("zoomdescript"));
being.zoom = randomize("zoom");
being.birth = fulltransform(randomize("birth"));
being.body = fulltransform(randomize("body"));
being.char = fulltransform(randomize("char"));
(hover-style: (text-style:'smear'))[(align: "=><=")[[[click here to bring a being into existence ->main]]]]
(align: "=><=")[<font size = '4'><a href = "https://twitter.com/pksomethin"> @pksomethin </font>]
function randcol() {
var col = ''; // hexadecimal starting symbol
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split(''); //hexadecimal color letters
//For loop that will create random hexadecimal value.
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
col += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
return col
var namee = { list: ['?????', '#$ $#', "-_- \\'\\'", 'm', 'BLOWDEATH', '\xac', '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||', '())()))()() )()()()))(', '..theodore..please help me i am trapped inside of a name please i just wanna see my friends again.......smith....', '1 = 2', '#coolname #namingthingsisfun #iamconscious #deservename', 'lol', '%_%', 'cbtftifhbl', '><><>:><><:><><', 'TTTTTTTT dos santos junior', 'KNNNNN LOOOK HER,E. LOOK. HERE. FUCKJ YAH...', '| \\" | All Of The Monsters Like To PLLLLAAAAAYYYYYYYYY | \\" |', 'J.J. J. J. J. J.', 'Kaitlyn. But. Not like KAITLYN. Just KAItlyn.', 'jhu uhj', 'ioopoi & i', 'uo ioyp o i uopiuop i ioui RRRRRR', ')_-_-_-', 'doooooooo @', '\xe7', 'ctrl + someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuiiiiiiiiii', '', 'JUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHNJUSTJOHN', 'NOTHING', 'sum than more than the more than sum the than more more more', 'unpro nunpro clash', '100%', 'scapefromthecolossus', 'rewritten', 'FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH', 'RestraiN', "not any more no it isn\\'t", 'Catherine &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&', '*', 'To Name Something Is To Kill It', 'Marmalade', 'Patricia 101', 'Larissa, Larissa, Larissa.', 'besides,', 'c c c c ? . AR.', 'oooo', '45 54 57 8888888888888888', '2@ p Pm Cm For um OFOUR FOUMORE MOU', 'NOT. Any MORE. 9 9 9',"Jerry Portner", "Kaitlyn Fielder", "Dayanne Arantes", "Caroline Ramos Araujo", "Tiffany Bongestab", "Helena Panin Tristão", "Juan Pablo Fernández de Calderón García-Iglesias", "Tupã", "José María Álvarez del Manzano", "Anna Valtýsdóttir", "Siv Sigurðardóttir", "Емануіл Йонович Квірінг", "Владимир Ленин", "Martin Dürer", "محمد بن سلمان بن امین الفارسی", "孝文皇帝", " محمد بن عبد الوهاب", "박혁거세 거서간", "二条 道平", "岩田 聡", "채원 采原 ", "Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana Senapati ing Alaga Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panatagama Johnny!","Gülizar Şatıroğlu", " علاکبر دهخدا", "察合台", "جغتای", "Цагадай", "Болормаа", "Энхтуяа", "Áнна Анасенко", "Юлия Блюм", '<i>Ochotona savignyi</i>', '<i>Pongo anubis</i>', '<i>Tursiopygia caballus</i>', '<i>Notamacrofa map</i>', '<i>Maca fascus aris</i>', '<i>Ornithorhynchus cerea</i>', '<i>Latimerium sinensis</i>', '<i>Echinops telanoli</i>', '<i>Dasypus glaber</i>', '<i>Heter macrotus</i>', '<i>Bos truncatus</i>', '<i>Tursiopygia belii</i>', '<i>Cavia aperevisii</i>', '<i>Anas pacos</i>', '<i>Otolemur gallus</i>', '<i>Gadus spretus</i>', '<i>Equus oculus</i>', '<i>Chlorocebus galis</i>', '<i>Nomascus ordii</i>', '<i>Tupaia belii</i>', '<i>Gadus sabaeus</i>', '<i>Tursiops tropaeus</i>', '<i>Mus griseus vampyrus</i>', '<i>Erinchotona intes</i>', '<i>Mus morhua</i>', '<i>Bos tauratus</i>', '<i>Gorilla apensis</i>', '<i>Ciona prinus</i>', '<i>Pteromyces caroli</i>', '<i>Chinopus griseus</i>', '<i>Fukomyzon nigeri</i>', '<i>Mus cerevis galili</i>', '<i>Oryzias platus</i>' ], name: "namee" }
var birth = { list: ['i am the natural byproduct of !event!', 'i was made as an act of !emotion!', 'i was put together piece by piece by !elemental! creatures', 'i was grown in a !elemental! uterus for two years', 'i was programmed by !elemental! monsters in their improvised computers to fight !object2!', 'my parents were !object2! and they gave birth to me together', '!event! made a group of !object2! realize !lessons! and decide to create me', 'i was carefully egineered by evolution to solve the !elemental! problems of !object2!', 'i hatched from a !elemental! egg', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to be born', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to not be born and was denied it', 'my origin is unknown', 'my origin is impossible to be known', 'i was crafted by a lonely genious to keep her company', 'i was always there', 'i pop in and out of existence at random', 'i was a software bug that never got fixed', 'i crawled my way out of the cave of non existence', 'i was dreamed up by sarah when she was like super high lol', 'i was proven by a mathematician to exist', 'i fucked my way into existence', 'i joked my way into existence'], name: "birth" }
var birth = { list: ['i am the natural byproduct of !event!', 'i was made as an act of !emotion!', 'i was put together piece by piece by !elemental! creatures', 'i was grown in a !elemental! uterus for two years', 'i was programmed by !elemental! monsters in their improvised computers to fight !object2!', 'my parents were !object2! and they gave birth to me together', '!event! made a group of !object2! realize !lessons! and decide to create me', 'i was carefully egineered by evolution to solve the !elemental! problems of !object2!', 'i hatched from a !elemental! egg', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to be born', 'i begged the !elemental! gods to not be born and was denied it', 'my origin is unknown', 'my origin is impossible to be known', 'i was crafted by a lonely genious to keep her company', 'i was always there', 'i pop in and out of existence at random', 'i was a software bug that never got fixed', 'i crawled my way out of the cave of non existence', 'i was dreamed up by sarah when she was like super high lol', 'i was proven by a mathematician to exist', 'i fucked my way into existence', 'i joked my way into existence'], name: "birth" }
var body = { list: ['my most vital body organ is !object1!', 'i have tentacles made of !emotion!', 'i keep my !elemental! heart hidden deep inside of a cave in a jupiter moon', 'i harness my energy from !event!', 'i am composed of a complex system of !object2! working together to solve an enormous otimization problem', 'my reproductive system is triggered into action by !event!', 'i can only feed on !object2!', 'i am made from antimatter', 'i am made from anti-antimatter', 'i am made from light-to-medium-dark matter', 'i have A MILLION legs, seriously, no joke', 'i am a cloud of gas', 'i am exactly 9 particles scattered across the milky way', "i am electromagnetic phenomena not explained by maxwell's equations", "i am constantly mutating my physical form to match whatever is on avey tare's mind at any given time", 'i am made from death'], name: "body" }
var char = { list: ['i never understood !emotion!', 'i only watch TV shows about !event!', 'i was made president and made !event! a forbidden act', 'i only experience genuine !emotion! when witnessing !event!', 'i spent my entire life searching for the purest instance of !emotion!', 'i wrote a book about !object2! and their relationship with !object2!', "i'm an expert in the science of !object2!", 'the first time i laughed was when i saw !event!', '!event! will cause my death', '!object2! are my kryptonite', 'the most important lesson i learned in my life was that !lessons!', 'witnessing !event! was what made me realize that !lessons!', '!object2! used to terrify me before i realized !lessons!', 'i keep !object1! inside of a tiny little box to remind me everyday that !lessons!', 'i have a recurrent dream where !object2! hunt me while !object2! whisper secrets of the universe to me', '!elemental! !emotion! is the only thing i can feel', 'i control a couple of !elemental! universes', 'i think EXACTLY like !object2!', 'i like to make squids listen to my music', 'i reached transcendence listening to the dead play dark star on woodstock', "i can't recognize myself in the mirror", 'i reached transcendence once but i forgot about it a few days later', 'i never got over the trauma of having my umbilical cord cut', 'i experience time in the opposite direction', 'i figured out the true substance of substance once in a dream once but forgot when i woke up', "i control the flow of a few quantum observables but i'm only, like, 5th or 4th down The Hierarchy so it's no big deal", 'i own a restaurant that serves the primordial soup', 'i like getting really high and playing the drums', 'i interact with matter only through dreams', "i don't remember why my neighbor stopped talking to me", 'i like jumping a lot', 'i like listening to alien radio signals before bed', 'i live in a star-orbiting satellite', "i have no idea what's going on", "i don't do anything, ever", 'i live in a constant existencial crisis'], name: "char" }
var elemental = { list: ['water', 'fire', 'snow', 'earth', 'air', 'slime', 'metal', 'silk', 'soda', 'candy', 'shadow', 'postmodern', 'punk', 'cyberpunk', 'manic pixie dream', 'psychodelic', 'planet-sized', 'atom-sized', 'planck-size', 'alien', 'dead', 'quantum', 'post-conscious', 'rainbow-colored', 'space', 'synthetic', 'mechanical', 'electromagnetic', 'corporate', 'post hip hop', 'sea', 'sky', 'alien', 'chemical', 'physical', 'mathematical', 'cute', 'platinum', 'neon', 'infinite'], name: "elemental" }
var emotion = { list: ['love', 'hate', 'friendship', 'boredom', 'lust', 'desire', 'hope', 'sadness', 'understanding', 'wonder', 'pain', 'disappointment', 'excitement', 'shame', 'anger', 'adoration', 'affection', 'agitation', 'agony', 'alarm', 'alienation', 'amazement', 'amusement', 'anger', 'anguish', 'annoyance', 'anxiety', 'apprehension', 'astonishment', 'awe', 'bliss', 'calmness', 'compassion', 'contempt', 'courage', 'delight', 'despair', 'disgust', 'dismay', 'distress', 'doubt', 'dread', 'eagerness', 'ecstasy', 'embarrassment', 'empathy', 'envy', 'euphoria', 'excitement', 'existencial fear', 'fear', 'ferocity', 'fondness', 'fright', 'frustration', 'fury', 'glee', 'gloom', 'grief', 'guilt', 'helplessness', 'homesickness', 'horror', 'humiliation', 'humility', 'hysteria', 'insecurity', 'isolation', 'jealousy', 'joy', 'loathing', 'loneliness', 'longing', 'melancholy', 'misery', 'optimism', 'outrage', 'panic', 'passion', 'pity', 'pleasure', 'powerlessness', 'pride', 'rage', 'regret', 'rejection', 'relief', 'remorse', 'resentment', 'serenity', 'shock', 'suffering', 'surprise', 'sympathy', 'tenderness', 'tension', 'terror', 'trust'], name: "emotion" }
var event = { list: ['insects making love', 'galaxies merging together', 'a pop star transcending their physical form', 'a mac demarco album being released', 'flowers being polinized', 'non-accelerating frames of reference being accelerated', 'the collapsing of a wavefunction', 'a true hero being born', "a mother's love being expressed in its purest form", 'someone losing their innocence', 'puppies being cute', 'an investigation being started', 'a molecule realizing a creative act', 'a complex system reaching self awareness', 'a wave being diffracted', 'two beings sharing a moment of genuine intimacy', 'an important memory being forgotten', 'a security system being breached', 'a god being born', 'physical reality being manipulated', 'a human being reaching transcendence', 'the unthinkable being thought', 'a solar system having an orgasm', 'a civilization undergoing first contact', 'a dream being forgotten'], name: "event" }
var lessons = { list: ['everything looks like everything else', 'love is the compass of the universe', 'there is no such thing as things', 'nothing matters', 'meaning is meaningless', 'truth is a lie', 'existence is pain', 'true happiness comes from within', "true happiness doesn't exist"], name: "lessons" }
var object1 = { list: ['a destroyed guitar', 'a brilliant piece of music that never got heard', 'a truly meaningful conversation', 'a long forgotten truth', 'a distant memory', 'a natural disaster', 'a pretty dress', 'an elementary particle', 'a damsel in distress'], name: "object1" }
var object2 = { list: ['!elemental! !single!', '!elemental! !elemental! !single!'], name: "object2" }
var single = { list: ['girls', 'boys', 'bacteria', 'cows', 'signals', 'plants', 'fungi', 'computers', 'mermaids', 'synthesizers', 'whales', 'monsters', 'weirdos', 'scientists', 'giraffes', 'wings', 'guitars', 'particles', 'squids', 'tentacles', 'eggs', 'geometries', 'wormholes', 'systems', 'phenomena', 'snowflakes', 'witches', 'princesses', 'sharks', 'roses', 'angels', 'demons', 'gods', 'equations', 'theorems', 'crocodiles', 'aliens', 'molecules', 'strawberries', 'fishes', 'satellites', 'legs', 'hearts', 'hackers', 'transformations', 'crystals', 'babies', 'infinities'], name: "single" }
var sounddescript = { list: ['the sound i make whenever i see !event!', 'the sound i make when i feel !emotion!', 'a sound that makes me feel !emotion!', 'the sound my body makes as i move', 'the sound my eyes make when i wink', 'the sound of my steps', 'the sound i make when i pee', "here's me crying", 'the sound of me and another member of my species kissing', 'the sound of my bones breaking', 'the sound i will make when i die', 'the sound of my digestive system working', 'the sound of cancer growing in my body', 'the sound of my blood running through my veins', 'me farting', 'the sound my first pet made whenever i got home', 'my voice', 'the voice of my mother', 'the sound i hear in my recurrent dream', 'the sound my heart makes when it is beating', 'the first sound i ever heard', 'the last sound i ever heard', 'the sound i make when i orgasm', 'the sound i make when i eat', 'the sound that wakes me up at night', 'the sound i constantly hear in my head'], name: "sounddescript" }
var zoomdescript = { list: ['the only thing capable of getting me to experience !emotion!', 'a thing that makes me feel !emotion!', 'the neural structure of my central processing unit', 'the thing i love the most', 'something i saw in a !elemental! dream once', 'the house i grew up in', 'my childhood toy', 'my first pet', 'my most important body organ', 'my favorite food', 'the thing i have been searching my whole life', 'my most prized possession', 'the thing that most terrifies me', 'the thing that changed my life', 'the body of a person i used to love'], name: "zoomdescript" }
var zoom = { list: ['<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-29-06.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-45-19.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-56-32.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 14-59-30.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-05-59.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-17-01.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-36-20.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 15-51-06.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-04-40.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-04-53.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 16-10-47.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 17-25-32.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 17-55-46.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 18-00-42.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 18-46-39.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Tue Sep 12 19-09-49.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/Wed Sep 13 00-51-51.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_03_23_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_18_30_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_36_47_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_38_07_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_40_15_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_44_35_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_13_54_47_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_14_02_09_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_29_41_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_49_40_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_51_31_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_16_59_30_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_03_55_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_06_03_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_07_16_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_25_40_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_17_48_52_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_18_54_08_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170913_22_38_36_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_14_25_17_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_16_37_00_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170914_16_43_44_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_31_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_42_24_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170915_13_50_46_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_23_07_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_29_52_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170917_13_35_57_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_14_29_37_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_14_29_58_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_23_46_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170919_23_50_20_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_11_52_18_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_11_56_27_Pro.jpg">', '<img src= "https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/zoom/WIN_20170921_12_03_22_Pro.jpg">'], name: "zoom" }
var sound = { list: ['<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//aliendolphins.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//ambientfrog.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//brainscan.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//breathing.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//chimes.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//cicada.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//crying.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//dimexp.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//drillbrain.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//drumloop.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//filter.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//footsteps.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//frog.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//gasp.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//glass.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high2.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//high3.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//modem.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//murmur.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//parrot.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//river.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//train.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//water1.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//water2.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//waterbottle.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//weirdodrum.wav" controls>', '<audio src=" https://alegriaalegria.neocities.org/clickhere/sound//wind.wav" controls>'], name: "sound" }
var thebigl = [emotion,elemental, namee, sound, sounddescript, zoom, zoomdescript, birth, char, lessons, body, event, object1, object2, single];
function randomize(string) {
for (var i=0; i < thebigl.length; i++) {
if (thebigl[i].name == string) {
var rand = thebigl[i].list[Math.floor(Math.random() * thebigl[i].list.length)];
return rand
function transform(phrase) {
for (var i=0; i < phrase.length; i++) {
if (phrase[i] == "!") {
var thingy = "";
var j = i;
while(phrase[j] != "!") {
thingy += phrase[j];
return phrase.slice(0,i).concat(randomize(thingy).split(""),phrase.slice(j+1));
function fulltransform(phrase) {
var aphrase = phrase.split("")
while ( aphrase.indexOf("!") > -1 ) {
aphrase = transform(aphrase);
var a = aphrase.join("");
return a;
window.being = {}
being.name = randomize("namee");
being.color = randcol();
being.sounddescript = fulltransform(randomize("sounddescript"));
being.sound = randomize("sound");
being.zoomdescript = fulltransform(randomize("zoomdescript"));
being.zoom = randomize("zoom");
being.birth = fulltransform(randomize("birth"));
being.body = fulltransform(randomize("body"));
being.char = fulltransform(randomize("char"));
(go-to: "main")(set: $color to being.color)(enchant: ?Page, (background: "#" + $color))(enchant: ?Passage, (align: "<==>"))(set: $name to being.name)(set: $sounddescript to being.sounddescript)(set: $sound to being.sound)(set: $zoomdescript to being.zoomdescript)(set: $zoom to being.zoom)(set: $color to being.color)(set: $birth to being.birth)(set: $char to being.char)(set: $lessons to being.lessons)(set: $body to being.body)
my name is $name
this is a zoom into $zoomdescript:
[[meet a friend of mine->another]]